Mira Awards Nominees

Innovation Requires Exceptional Partners, and These Companies Exceeded Expectations to Earn Mira Award Service Partner of the Year Nominations

Even the most groundbreaking tech innovation can’t get to market on its own. Internal teams and founders partner with professional services firms to refine and market their new products and services. The Innovation Service Partner of the Year recognizes those who pioneer transformative technology solutions or provide other professional innovation services that demonstrate excellence, creativity, […]
Mira Awards Nominees

Community Impact of the Year Nominees Are Making a Better Tomorrow for Hoosiers Through Programs in All Pockets of the State

The Indiana tech ecosystem is more than a collection of technology and tech-enabled companies. It includes organizations that work to create a brighter, more equitable future for all Hoosiers. As such, they help pull our community together and forward. The Community Impact of the Year award is one that brings Mira Awards attendees to their […]
Mira Awards Nominees

Talent Development Efforts Are Varied and Thriving Across Indiana as Illustrated by the 2024 Talent Impact of the Year Nominees 

By Cheryl Reed  A deep bench of highly skilled tech workers across all of Indiana’s economic sectors is increasingly core to the state’s economic growth and the health and well-being of its citizens. But the development of that bench is challenged by a gap between the supply of those workers and global demand for them. […]
Mira Awards Nominees

Startup of the Year Nominees for the 2024 Mira Awards Answer a Wide Range of Needs, but Share a Pioneering Spirit  

Tech founders are, by definition, inventors, visionaries, and dreamers who put their ideas to work despite the daunting challenges that derail others. TechPoint’s Startup of the Year Award recognizes companies that are five years old or younger, have shown the most significant development market traction, and have the most promising potential for success, including substantial […]
Mira Awards Nominees

Tech Innovation of the Year Nominees Are Focused on Saving Lives, Time & Money and Clearing Pathways To Improve Hoosier Lives

Innovation is more than a buzzword in Indiana tech circles. It’s commonplace for companies large and small. Winners of the 2024 Mira Award for Innovation rise above the routine with Research and Development efforts and other trailblazing discoveries to become groundbreaking products with significant potential to transform a product category or an entire industry.  SIMBAChain […]