The UX Economy: Why biz landscapes are upside down (and what you can do about it)

The term “UX” has been floating around the tech world for years, but it still dumbfounds many business owners. What is UX and why should I care? A few years ago, many business owners laughed in the face of UX design. Some called it a fad. Others claimed it had no effect on the bottom […]

Galvin Technologies thrives and expands as Salesforce Silver Consulting Partner

On May 25, Galvin Technologies announced that it plans to invest $609,050 into an expansion that will create up to 37 jobs by 2022. LEARN MORE People know Gary Galvin. He’s been a fixture of the Indianapolis tech scene for 15 years and his company may have even built the first or second generation of your […]

Encamp gains talent, venture capital and incentives deal with state

Encamp co-founders Luke and Sam Jacobs are proud that they were able to lure their big brother Ben Jacobs back to Indiana to lead software engineering at the fast-growing startup that the pair founded with CTO Daniel Smedema. Ben, who was a senior software engineer at Netflix in California, is a major talent “get” for […]