3 easy ways to start learning to code

So, youโ€™ve been thinking about learning to code. After a quick Google search you’re bombarded with blog posts, tutorials, Meetup groups and bootcamps offering to help you get started. If youโ€™re overwhelmed by this, youโ€™re not alone — I talk to people all the time who want to learn to code or break into the […]

Indiana Tech needs YOU! 5 Tips for women to start or grow tech careers

Deloitte Global predicts that large global technology firms, on average, will reach nearly 33 percent overall female representation in their workforces in 2022, up slightly more than 2 percentage points from 2019. That increase, though small, represents notable progress. Moving the needle is difficult, and even aggressive campaigns to recruit, hire, retain, and promote women have […]

Pfledderer, Dorsey and Five Other Tech Company Executives Join TechPoint Board

TechPoint has a new chairman! This morning we announced that Apparatus CEO Kelly Pfledderer has taken the reins as the new TechPoint chairman and that ExactTarget co-founder Scott Dorsey has stepped up to serve with Pfledderer on the TechPoint executive committee. The pair take over these leadership roles at a critical time when TechPoint has […]