How placemaking helped Fort Ben reinvent itself without losing itself

Indianapolis has long attracted technology companies to its central core, but several areas of concentration have emerged in nearby neighborhoods and communities. Since the closure of the Fort Benjamin Harrison military post just 14 miles northeast of downtown Indianapolis in the 1990s, Fort Ben has been organically attracting technology firms to its burgeoning campus.  Now […]

David Kerr’s winding career path led him to a place with true transparency

Career journeys can be straight and narrow, or windy paths that take you where you never thought you’d go. In the technology industry, your planned path can be disrupted by the marketplace. For David Kerr, technology allowed him to explore many paths — one that even took him oversees to Germany. Kerr’s executive stints include leadership […]

Xtern continues to win hearts and minds despite unprecedented 2020 challenges

The uncertainty of the pandemic initially forced TechPoint’s flagship talent program—Xtern: the ultimate tech internship experience—into limbo. Of course, we know now that it was a pipedream to think summer internships would proceed normally. At the time, however, it seemed hard to believe that life wouldn’t be back to normal by Memorial Day. Once the […]