TechPoint welcomes Cummins Vice President and CIO Sherry Aaholm as board chair and names new executive committee

TechPoint has announced a new executive committee comprised of leaders from both tech and tech-enabled companies and organizations throughout Indiana that have national and global reach.

Tech apprenticeships are changing lives as well as company futures

If the word apprenticeship conjures images of tool belts and construction sites rather than computer science and software, you’re not alone. The skilled trades, such as carpentry and masonry, have been hiring apprentices based on their passion for or interest in the field and training them on the job since the 16th century. By contrast, […]

Indiana’s collision course with a ‘perfect storm’ shortage of tech talent

As our workforces prepare today for the dynamic economic landscapes of tomorrow, perhaps more than ever before it is clear that finding and retaining talent is job #1. Foundational research commissioned by TechPoint in late 2021 revealed that while there are many points to celebrate about Indiana’s growing tech workforce, there are also key talent-related […]