Indiana’s Unfair Competitive Advantage at the Tech Frontier

An October 2023 Burning Glass Institute (BGI) report identifying and assessing “Cities on the Tech Frontier,” makes the case that a proper evaluation of regional economic competitiveness cannot rely only on measurements of workforce size and earnings. Instead, evaluations should also focus on the quality of the workforces based on their communities’ concentration of leading-edge […]

AI is a Double-Edged Sword: Its Power and Peril in Cybersecurity

Cybercrime is predicted to bring damages totaling $8 trillion U.S. dollars globally this year, according to Cybersecurity Ventures. If this were measured as a country, it would be the world’s third-largest economy after the U.S. and China. So, it comes as no surprise that cybersecurity continues to be a top priority of business leaders, CIOs […]

New Trust-Building Exercise: Digital Transformation

When it comes to modern governance, trust has emerged as a pivotal cornerstone in shaping the relationship between businesses and their customers, as well as citizens and their governments. While digital transformation was traditionally associated with upgrading systems for efficiency, a recent Deloitte study presents an alternative perspective. This study underscores the profound connection between […]

TechPoint launches internship program in South Bend-Elkhart, expands collaboration with AnalytiXIN

We have some exciting news for north central Indiana employers and organizations statewide that are currently working with or plan to dive into data science: our nationally lauded Xtern program will expand next summer to include the South Bend-Elkhart region, and AnalytiXIN will return as an integral part of the program. It’s a great step […]

Q3 2023 Indiana Tech Venture Report: Glimmers of optimism in Indiana as the national Q3 venture market continues its correction 

Dubbed the “Great Correction” by Joanna Glasner of Crunchbase, the nation’s Q3 2023 venture market remains in a challenging position, and activity in Indiana reflects the struggle. But there was encouragement in the quarterly assessment that showed the number of Hoosier deals dropped, but the amount invested nearly doubled. Deals were spread among a diverse […]

TechPoint to Celebrate 25th Anniversary ‘Best of Tech’ Mira Awards at Old National Centre 

Celebrating its silver anniversary next year, TechPoint’s Mira Awards gala—known as the “Oscars of Tech in Indiana”—will be held on Friday, April 26, 2024, at the Old National Centre in Indianapolis. TechPoint and its sponsors and partners will take over the entire venue, including an awards show in the Murat Theatre followed by a community […]

10 Software-as-a-Service Industry Trends Highlighted at the SaaStr Conference 

In the early days of March 2020 I was registered to attend the SaaStr Annual conference to be held in the Bay Area. Of course, it didn’t happen as the country shut down in the Middle of March due to the Global Covid pandemic. Three years later, I was finally able to attend and glean […]

The Biggest Tech Hubs in the World & How They’re Changing

For years, Silicon Valley has been seen as the major tech hub in the United States. As tech has continued to thrive as a major industry, more and more tech hubs have emerged as a result of the demand for more great technology solutions. In fact, if you consider transportation, amenities, livability, cost of living, […]