pi lab, Teradata and Rook Security take top honors at Mira Pitch Night

Every spring, TechPoint’s Tech Thursday event presented by WGU Indiana and hosted by Faegre Baker Daniels becomes Mira Pitch Night. We invite all of the companies, schools, organizations, teams and startups competing for the state’s top tech honors in the Mira Awards to jump up and give a 60 second pitch about their cool tech-related […]

R&D tax credits for startups: what has changed

The federal research and development (R&D) tax credit was created by Congress in 1981 as an incentive to increase R&D spending in the United States. Since then, the credit has been extended 15 times and made permanent by the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015. Historically, large, profitable manufacturers and software developers […]

TechPoint partners with Markle Foundation to help Indiana tech companies adopt skills-based hiring  

Today the TechPoint team announced a strategic partnership with the Markle Foundation, which will be a key element of its plan to inclusively grow the Indiana tech workforce by an additional 41,000 workers by 2030.  “The Markle Foundation, through its Rework America Alliance, is doing phenomenal work to bring more people, especially people of color, […]