Introducing a new format to share Indiana digital innovation news

Today we launch a reformatted TechPoint Index website and newsletter to better showcase the exciting developments, launches, fund raises and innovation happening throughout the state in the Indiana tech community.   Longtime readers know that we’ve promoted a few news headlines each week in the TechPoint Index newsletter under our “More Indiana Tech Stories and News” […]

Q&A with Allegion Ventures on its 5th anniversary: What they’ve learned and what’s ahead

By: Haley Nelson  This month, Allegion Ventures – the corporate venture arm of Allegion plc – celebrates its fifth anniversary. The fund invests in and accelerates the growth of companies with innovative technology or software that bridges physical and digital security and creates seamless user experiences. Doshia Stewart, chief marketing officer, and Rob Martens, president of Allegion Ventures, sat down to […]

The Heritage Group: Sally Reasoner – X Years of Talent

In this episode, we sit down with Sally Reasoner, People + Culture Strategic Projects Lead with The Heritage Group. The Heritage Group is family-owned business based in Indianapolis managing a portfolio of more than 30 companies specializing in heavy construction and materials, environmental services and specialty chemicals. Sally talks about her time with TechPoint and […]

Participants sought for TechPoint, InnoPower and Sagamore Institute effort to help Blacks in central Indiana get into and succeed in tech careers

A $300,000 grant from the Indianapolis Urban League could be a “game-changer” for Indiana’s effort to inclusively grow the state’s tech workforce. Awarded through the Indianapolis African American Quality of Life Initiative (IAAQLI) to TechPoint, InnoPower and Sagamore Institute, the funding will be used to create and market a tech-focused, adult apprenticeship program for low-income, […]

Highest Paying Tech Jobs of 2023

As technology continues to be a major part of our everyday lives, many people are looking for an exciting, fulfilling career in tech that allows them to help others, build something from the ground up, and remain on the cutting edge of modern technology. In today’s world, almost every business relies on technology to operate […]

Indiana health tech companies drive digital innovation through infrastructure

Health tech is finding its golden age in a post-pandemic world.  Advancements of every sort and size have quickly gone from “maybe someday” timelines to developments happening right now, whether out of necessity or audacity. Health tech is one of the tech community’s fastest-growing bright spots, and a key digital innovation opportunity for the state. […]

New Apprenticeship: Brad Voeller – X Years of Talent

In this episode, we sit down with Brad Voeller, founder and CEO of New Apprenticeship. New Apprenticeship is a Department of Labor registered apprenticeship for tech-skilled positions. He talks about the story behind founding New Apprenticeship, why apprenticeships are key in building an inclusive workforce, and their partnership with TechPoint with Mission41K. 10 years ago, […]

Ivy Tech Community College and TechPoint to provide innovative IT training to Hoosiers and grow Indiana’s tech workforce   

Ivy Tech Community College and TechPoint are partnering on a statewide strategy designed to solidify the state’s reputation as a vibrant tech hub and help develop new tech talent as part of TechPoint’s Mission41K.  The collaboration provides career pathways for Hoosiers that meet the needs of employers for tech and tech-reliant talent through Ivy Tech’s Ivy+ […]