
To galvanize is to spur into action, to stimulate. Successes from 2013 have galvanized TinderBox throughout 2014: in addition to doubling our staff, we’ve strengthened our commitment to building a comprehensive product that evolves by placing a premium on our clients’ feedback. TinderBox now supports more stages of the sales cycle, helping sales teams save time and make the sale from pitch to close.

Our own galvanization is a response to a movement emerging in the sales industry. The best sales executives know that stagnation is no way to win. Best-in-class sales organizations are changing the way they sell to modern-day buyers.

In 2015, our customers will see even greater returns from our new multi-product suite of sales productivity solutions. Customers now have the option to leverage TinderBox Pitch, an online presentation solution that’s built for the modern sales rep, making him more productive anytime, anywhere and on any device.

The traditional PowerPoint presentation is dying, and there are a host of tools taking its place. Customer experience is becoming the most important element of the sales process — seamless, digital, responsive and personalized. The pitch can no longer stand alone; it must be aligned with every other deliverable throughout the sales cycle. With that in mind, here are three ways to ensure pitching success in the digital era.

Remove the complexities of delivering your presentation

Before you create a presentation, take note of how your prospects expect you to communicate with them. Are most of their meetings conducted via teleconference? Does the executive team love iPads and other mobile devices

How you present and how your audience wants to receive information are just as important as what you present. We know that the most effective presentations can be delivered, presented and engaged by anyone, anywhere. That’s why our new TinderBox Pitch product requires nothing more than a Web browser.

Keep your presentations current

No matter which medium your audience prefers, it’s imperative that what you present is accurate, relevant and current. Switching outdated slides for new ones can be confusing and time-consuming, especially if there’s no common repository from which sales reps can reliably access up-to-date content. All TinderBox products feature an easy-to-manage content library with unlimited storage. It provides a single, reliable system to keep track of all of the content sales reps need for whenever they may need to make updates or revisions.

Treat presentations as the first step

Your presentation serves as an introduction to your product and your brand, but it’s one of many parts that make up the overall impression your prospects receive. Make sure that your relationships with prospects are built to last beyond the presentation and well into the sales cycle.

The right leave-behind materials can do more than provide in-depth information about your product and your company, they can provide you with insights into how your prospects engage with your messaging. Valuable information — like which meeting attendees viewed your materials and how often — can make the difference between your product or service simply being an option or actually closing a deal. TinderBox Pitch changes the game by allowing you to track which presentations are being used most often and provides real-time insight with analytics.

With prospects depending on technology to receive and digest information, it’s more important than ever that presentations meet and exceed the needs of today’s prospects. The future of sales presentations is online, and with the right tools, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the game.