In a press release today, Indiana House Republicans announced that several small business and entrepreneurship initiatives and organizations will be combined into just one office called OSBE — the Office of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

from the press release: State Representative Mark Messmer (R-Jasper) authored legislation regarding the promotion of entrepreneurship in young Hoosiers, which passed the Indiana Senate yesterday with a 49-0 vote.
House Bill (HB) 1332 takes several entrepreneurship initiatives and organizations and combines them into a single office known as the Office of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (OSBE).
“The OSBE is another example of how Indiana is working to bring more efficiency to government and focus on the needs of our small businesses,” said Rep. Messmer. “Small businesses are the backbone of the Hoosier economy, and this is just one step in our continued efforts to make Indiana the best place in the country to start and grow a business.”  
Organizations and offices included in the consolidation are the Young Entrepreneurs Program, the Small Business Development Center and the Small Business Ombudsman.
“As a conservative Hoosier, I am always looking for ways to streamline our government, but when doing so also promotes entrepreneurship, that is even better,” said Rep. Messmer. “An entrepreneurial spirit is one of the most valuable traits we can encourage in our youth as it teaches them to be self-sufficient and build their own, successful future.”  
HB 1332 will now be sent to the governor’s desk to be signed into law. 
What do you think about the consolidation effort? Is bringing multiple initiatives and organizations together under the auspices of one office a good idea? Could a singular small business and entrepreneurship conduit reduce inefficiencies and redundancies, as well as create new opportunities for Hoosiers? Share your thoughts in the comments below.