Indiana IoT Lab opens in Fishers
Just over a year ago our community celebrated the announcement of the Indiana IoT Lab, a new space to be opened in Fishers that would give technology companies a place to experiment with devices related to the internet of things. The union of hardware and the internet would enable new ways of interaction with the devices people use every day.
On March 21, 2018, tech leaders officially opened the Indiana IoT Lab, and a crowd of about 1,000 people were on hand to mark the occasion. Companies and community partners who make up the inaugural class of tenants, including Rook Security, ClearObject, and Indiana University, shared the work they’ve already been accomplishing within the space. Speeches and a ribbon-cutting ceremony served as the capstone for the event.
John Wechsler, founder of the Lab, talked with Inside INdiana Business about how the Lab and its tenants would help the state prepare for the $2.2 trillion in opportunities that IoT could bring to market. The partnership between technology and other legacy industries in Indiana, such as manufacturing, will also be critical to the growth of the Lab, John shared in the interview.
VentureBeat covered similar opportunities for growth and expansion, as well as the history that led to the Lab’s creation. As the Lab becomes more ingrained in Fishers, other options to expand around the state will be explored.
The first major event held in the space will be the IoT Civic Hack, sponsored by AT&T, on April 20 and 21. The Civic Hack is a 24-hour hackathon event where participants will present technical solutions to issues that police, fire, and other first responders face.

You can learn more about the Indiana IoT Lab by visiting their website.